Thursday, October 6, 2011


The other class got to go to the video conference today.  I also got to go today. The information was great and the presenter got all of the kids involved with force and motion.  The kids really seemed to have a great understanding when it was all over.

In math, we continued with our fractions unit.  I met with about 1/2 of the students to see how far they were on their tic tac toe boards as well as on their social studies projects.  I have 6 groups between the 3 classes that have signed up to present their social studies next week. I have not given third period the chance to sign up yet, but am hoping they get to do that tomorrow.  Most of the kids have told me they already have their tic tac toe projects done and are working on an extra credit project.

I had a student present one of their fraction projects in third period today.  They did a stop motion video, and presented how to calculate the number of photos needed to make it last 90 seconds.  It was awesome.  I shared it at my class in the evening, and all of the teachers couldn't believe that a 6th grader had created it.  Way to go!  Keep those creative juices flowing!

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