Today was the first day of project presentations for their countries. The food was great, and the kids did a wonderful job with their presentations.
During success zone, we went over the fractions math test. I have sent it home and anyone that needed a parent signature is supposed to correct anything they got wrong on the back of the test and bring it back to me. We went over the word problems in class, so they don't need to redo the front.
I have posted all of the current grades that I have. If your child has any zeros on there, they are missing assignments. Please have them complete these assignments no later than Friday. The grading period ends this Thursday. The missing projects are greatly effecting their grades.
I am a little disappointed in the quality of some of the tic tac toe projects. I have kept some of them in the classroom to use as examples for next year so that I get higher quality projects. Some kids did a great job, others not so much. The reason this is disappointing is because I gave them 3 weeks of my class time which totaled about 12 hours of class time. I had high expectations for them. I have many kids who still have not turned them in as well.
In math tomorrow, we are going to be taking a math test. This test is for information purposes only. They cannot study for it.
On Thursday we are going to be continuing our presentations for social studies. We are also reading chapter 13 about Ancient Greece. We are going to be creating a class time line of important events or people. Each child is going to be picking an event to illustrate and give some information on. It is only able to be the size of 2 small index cards. 1 card will have the name of the event/person, the date it happened and a small illustration. The other index card will give the class some important information about the event or person. The kids need to be thinking of what person or event they would like to do that helped shaped Ancient Greece. Some examples of good ideas would be a war or battle that took place or a famous person that did something important. The kids will be signing up for their event on Friday, and will be completing it in class.
Have a fantastic day!
Ancient Greece and Sparta is an interesting place and I would like to learn more.